Saturday, August 31, 2019


Through my study of micehal gows novel away, the documentary Cinderalla Children and the novel Fight Club, i now agree with Marcell Proust that â€Å" We dont recieve wisdom we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one else can take for us†. The individuals in these texts gain wisdom from their journeys as a result of their experiences, perspective and personal growth, however some choose to use their wisdom more wisely than others. This proves that wisdom can not be received but rather we must discover it for ourselves.The character that is seen to undergo the most profound change within the text ‘Away’ , by Michael Gow in my eyes, is Coral. We are introduced to Coral to be in an emotionally fragile condition, grieving the death of her son. She is seen to have alienated herself from society, and has a strained relationship with her husband Roy, unable to conform to his expectations. Coral’s psychological state is clearly depicted in the so liloquy Gow has utilised in Act One – Scene Three.Through her speech we understand that she is in an unstable state, as suggested at the beginning of the soliloquy, where she states, â€Å"When that woman woke up and saw that donkey at her feet I thought my heart would break. † This line generally depicts her detachment and alienation from society, through the inconceivable language used. Throughout irene gleesons life ( before the thought of the cinderella children project even started ) she had experienced pain and truma due to her past but she had a very strong faith in Christ which she believed helped her through her drakest days.With her fatherless home and harsh childhood, he grew to become a motherfigure to her family, even though later down the track her marriage broke down which resulting in her leaving her faith in god for a spiritual search, but through trialing other religions she returned to her Christian faith even more determined to help. She grew to kno w jesus as the only husband she needed. So before she knew it she had sold her dream beach house and her possessions to afford the big move with her caravan over to kitgum, Uganda.This is where the idea that gaining wisdom through out past experiences or journeys it may not seem relevant at the time but fundememntally help you when your struggling. The main character in Fight Club is the narrator and the main themes of the story are loneliness, materialism, and freedom from society. Tyler was created because of the lack of connection the narrator had with the people around him. The narrator was lonely and attended so many support groups because of it. He was not rejected at the support groups because the members thought he was sick just like they were.Materialism is a reoccurring theme as the narrator mentions how he has worked his entire life for the Ikea items in his apartment. He tried to fill the void in his life by buying worthless, meaningless stuff. People spend too much time working for things they do not need. The narrator comes to the conclusion that, â€Å"You are not your job or your possessions. † Only once a person realizes that can he or she finally let go and start living. â€Å"It’s only after you’ve lost everything,† Tyler says, â€Å"that you’re free to do anything. † In order to be free, we must not care about the stuff we own.When Tyler states â€Å"The things you own, end up owning you† it really opens the narrators eyes too see what he has based his life around†¦ †stuff†. Our whole lives are spent working to pay for stuff. If we did not have stuff to pay for, we would not have to work as hard and our time could be spent doing something more meaningful. This idea is also conveyed through the character Gwen from Michael Gow’s Away. A major conflict near the end of the story is between Tyler Durden and the narrator. The narrator discovered Tyler was a figment of his im agination and he wanted to stop him.The narrator wanted to get rid of Tyler, end Project Mayhem, and all of the Fight Clubs. Tyler did not want to leave and this conflict was resolved with the narrator shooting himself and killing Tyler. Tyler was created as someone the narrator always wanted to be. Tyler was the narrator’s hero and the narrator envied everything Tyler stood for. The narrator started to lose his own conformist identity and become more and more like Tyler. As the novel progressed, the narrator grew more miserable while becoming Tyler. Becoming Tyler was emotionally and physically draining for the narrator.Throughout the novel, the narrator is battling his former self and Tyler. He tried to find a happy medium between the two extremes. Towards the end, the narrator found this to be an impossible task as Tyler began to take over more and more. The narrator could not allow Tyler to continue controlling his life and destroying society so he had to shoot Tyler and himself in the process. â€Å"We need a break. We need a change† (Act Two – Scene Four). Gow has applied short and direct sentences to correspond Coral’s obstinacy and determination towards change.The repetition of ‘we need a†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ reflects how Coral has prioritised change, and her views of change being a necessity. These techniques effectively suggest Coral’s acceptance towards change. Coral conjuncts the connotation of the holiday with positive implications, evident through her statement; ‘We’ll have a wonderful, wonderful time’ (Act Two – Scene Four). Repetition is prevalent once again in this excerpt, and has been used by Gow to portray her positive attitude in regards to the opportunity to change.This is where the idea that transformation on a journey comes from acceptance and letting go of past hurts that control you. The explicit meaning of the story in Fight Club is that Tyler made Fight Club for a way for men to overcome the frustrations of their professional and personal lives. There are no rules or limits as to how far Tyler will go to fulfil his goal. The implicit meaning is that Fight Club was made as an answer to the rejection of a consumer society is with the use of violence. Fighting was a way to free a man from society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alcohol Vignette

Tom has been arrested twice for Driving Under the Influence or DUI of alcohol, and in his most recent arrest, he has also been charged with assault of a law enforcement officer which is specifically a display of seemingly violent behavior since assault involves physical attack or onslaught.Tom’s blood alcohol level or BAL taken when he was arrested was 0.18 which was identified as the blood level for illegal intoxication (Hamilton, 2007). Aside from Tom’s BAL as indicator of his intoxication, he also admitted to forgetting what had transpired, his pupils were dilated, his speech was mildly impaired, and he displayed lethargic behavior. Assessing Tom’s situation was taken under the context of his claim that the case only happens during social gatherings with family and friends, not motivated by problems and such.Considering the circumstances presented, I would have to say that Tom is an alcohol abuser based on the guidelines set by The Diagnostic and Statistical M anual of Mental Disorders IV. An alcohol abuser is described as an individual who drinks alcohol in a manner that is harmful or hazardous to one’s health. (Buddy, 2008)Since Tom’s memory, speech, and physical functioning was affected by his high levels of alcohol intake, he fits into the category of an alcohol abuser. Another characteristic established and attributed to alcohol abusers include the non-dependence on alcohol.Alcohol abusers do not show strong cravings or dependence toward drinking. (â€Å"What is Alcohol Abuse?,† 2003) Basing it on Tom’s claim of having been drinking only after the holidays and during social gatherings, it clearly reveals that he does not exhibit strong cravings and dependence toward alcohol intoxication.Other characteristics of alcohol abusers that might be exhibited during a year-round observation includes recurrent apprehension for being caught due to reasons pertaining to alcohol, and other offenses that are fueled by a lcohol intoxication (ex. assault, etc.), and drinking without control or setting limitations despite having legal problems (ex. DUI arrests, etc.) in the past that were related to alcohol intoxication. (â€Å"What is Alcohol Abuse?,† 2003)Aside from the standards or guidelines that determines between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, there are other standards established over the years that are used to categorize drinking patterns or problems – specifically, Type I and Type II alcoholism, and Type A and B alcoholism.Type I alcoholism is attributed to alcoholism for both the male and female populations that occurs in the latter ages of life with noticeably less serious effects or implications, specifically with actions or behaviors that are related to anti-social behavior or misdemeanor. Type II alcoholism on the other hand, is isolated to the male population that starts at an early age with serious effects and implications, particularly when it comes to the display of anti-social behavior or misdemeanor. (Johnson, 1996)Type A and Type B alcoholism are based on standards or guidelines that relate the magnitude or gravity of alcoholism to an individuals childhood background, time of use, dependence on alcohol, use of illegal drugs, and the efficiency of treatment.Alcoholics under Type A are those who started drinking in the latter part of their lives, with no known or minor emotional or psychological problems in their childhood, lesser dependence on alcohol and problems or issues that are related to intoxication. On the other hand, alcoholics under Type B are those who have experienced emotional or psychological problems in their younger years, have family members who are also alcoholic, greatly dependent on alcohol, and more alcohol-related problems. (Babor, et. al., 1992)Based on the above descriptions of Type I and Type II, and Type A and Type B alcoholism, Tom is more likely to be categorized as an alcohol abuser under Type II and Type B in progress.This is supported by the fact that Tom is starting to follow a pattern of alcoholism that leads him to become publicly arrested for being illegally intoxicated. Moreover, Tom has already displayed violent behavior towards a law enforcement officer, which he claims he does not recall. Since he was already arrested in the past for a DUI, and he was arrested again for the same offense, he refuses to acknowledge his drinking problem and the harmful effects that it poses to his health and safety as well as the safety of other people.2. Tom mentioned that he does not remember anything that happened while he was intoxicated, which obviously means that his being drunk is affecting his memory. Moreover, he displays mild speech impairment as well as lethargic behavior or demeanor.The implications of such admissions and overt behavior lead to the conjecture that there is something wrong with Tom, particularly the functioning of his Central Nervous System or CNS. The CNS is composed o f an individual’s brain, spinal column, and nerves or neurons. In general, drinking alcohol of any amount affects the CNS. However, it is the amount of alcohol which determines how strong or overpowering its effect would be to the physical and cognitive functioning of a human being.   (Dunlap, N.D.)Naturally, when an individual drinks too much alcohol, its effects would also be greater on the functioning of his CNS. Since the CNS is capable of handling the senses and the impulses which governs an individual’s thoughts and actions. As an individual continues to drink alcohol, the CNS also continues to depreciate causing irreversible or irreparable damage to an individual’s CNS functioning.Apparently, the content of alcohol which goes directly to an individual’s CNS, blocks out the circulation of oxygen to and from the brain which causes a temporary blackout blurring or blocking one’s memory. Once the alcohol dissipates from the body, the circulati on of oxygen in the brain normalizes, as well as an individual’s memory. This means that once an individual becomes a habitual drinker, his memory as governed by the functioning of his brain, and his impulses or senses as managed by his nerves and neurons, become permanently damaged by alcohol. (Dunlap, N.D.)The kind of behavior displayed by Tom is clear signs of CNS impairments or disabilities caused by his intake of alcohol. For instance, Cerebellar Atrophy is a condition associated to a part of the brain called the cerebellum, wherein an individual’s intake of alcohol causes an imbalance or disturbance in one’s muscle coordination. Cerebellar Atrophy will affect an individual’s balance as well as walking movements.This particular CNS condition explains why Tom’s actions or movements are lethargic or sluggish since he had trouble balancing, walking, or moving at a normal pace. Another condition related to alcohol and the CNS is the Korsakoff†™s Amnesic Syndrome. This particular syndrome has something to do with an individual’s memory. If an individual develops high dependency on alcohol and takes in alcohol that is more than the amount of normal intake, contracting Korsakoff’s Amnesic Syndrome will lead to losses in short-term memory. (â€Å"Alcohol Related Brain Impairment,† 2008)One factor which affects the length of time by which alcohol lingers inside the body, therefore, shortening or prolonging the harmful and incapacitating effects of alcohol to an individuals CNS is his metabolism. Metabolism is a process that occurs within the body which converts substances and other chemical compounds that are readily excreted from the human body.The process constitutes the contribution of the liver in the oxidization process which normalizes the amount of oxygen in the blood stream, including the brain. If the oxidization process is normal, then the rate of an individual’s return to consciousness is normal.However, the rate of the oxidization process as well as the metabolizing enzymes found in the liver is greatly affected by alcohol. Large amounts of alcohol intake will lead to the damage of an individual’s liver which will consequently influence metabolism rate, making it difficult for the liver to dissipate alcohol from the human body prolonging the effects of alcohol to an individual’s brain functioning. (â€Å"Alcohol and The Human Body,† N.D.)Since the effect of Tom’s alcohol intake was observable prior to his arrest which motivated a DUI charge until the time that he was apprehended, displaying bouts of memory loss, speech impairment, and lethargy, this means that the rate of his metabolism is not capable of flushing out alcohol from his system and normalizing his bodily functions through immediate oxidization.From this, we learn that Tom is an alcoholic who have been drinking alcohol either for a long time or in large amounts which is en ough to interfere with his metabolism.Tom’s stated case or situation and gathered information pertaining to the simultaneous intake of certain drugs such as Marijuana, Valium and other types of downers, and alcohol will be used to identify whether he used downers along with alcohol or not. Again, observable behaviors that may be utilized to answer such inquiry include his sudden loss of short-term memory, the dilation of his pupils, mild speech impairment, and lethargic behavior or demeanor.First, we need to understand the results or effects of drinking downers along with alcohol, differentiating it from the symptoms of alcoholism alone. Downers or depressants are intended for decreasing brain functioning or activity within the individual’s CNS in order to ease anxieties, worries, tensions, stresses, and such.Downers or depressants are appropriately prescribed for individuals who need to calm down as a means of moderating psychological tension. Since the intake of alco hol seems to display similarities to the effects of downers, the intake of alcohol and downers or depressants at the same time magnifies the effects or results of each when taken separately.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Socialization in Kindergartens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socialization in Kindergartens - Essay Example (p62) Egertson, on the other hands focuses his attention on the injustices of the shifting of curriculum away from the child-centered approach to academic centered. He agrees with Harry that kindergarten should be a foundation level in which a child is prepared socially, emotionally and physically. This in turn will facilitate child development. He laments the current trends where by adults expectations to the child are given first priority over the interest of the child development. As a result the kindergarten schools have introduced "transition classes" (par.6) that have been both traumatic and disruptive to the child growth and development. Harry noted the expectations of both parents and staff in a Wright School kindergarten. According to the parents and staff, kindergarten experience help the child find an opportunity for physical growth that will satisfy his/her needs for "self expressions". In short the kindergarten experience would provide the child with an opportunity to grow happily and purposely with others... (p62) On the other hand, Egerson sees the parents and kindergarten staff expectations as the prime reason why the kindergarten curriculum keeps on shifting. This he argues has compromised the child socio-psychological development at kindergarten level. Egertson argues that, socialization process in a kindergarte... He further emphasis that, the responsibility of developing the child development oriented curriculum lays in the hands adults (parents and Staff). According to Harry, as much as parents and staff of Wright school agree with this, the parents and school have a responsibility to tailor a kindergarten environment in order to help the kids to develop a socially acceptable behavior. The goal of kindergarten school should be to help children "grow" in all ways: physically, emotionally, socially and academically. (p62) Harry observed that, teaching and learning of classroom routines is the main element of the student role. Kindergarten teachers spend almost the first half of the year in training the children to follow routines which teachers create. Children are drilled to tasks and activities created by teachers. These tasks and activities have to be done rigidly and repeatedly until the child knows exactly what he/she is supposed to do. (p63). Egerson notes the same trend when he argues that, most of parents view the kindergarten as the transition level where the child is prepared for higher grades. This he says have made some parents to delay their children until they acquire certain age that they deem is appropriate for their children to perform well. Harry was concerned with the lack of full involvement of children in formulating the tasks and activities. According to her, all the activities she observed in the Wright school which applies to other kindergarten schools were made by adults for the children. She was particularly concerned with the way children were made to follow familiar sounds during singing rather than helping the children follow familiar words in the "my country song". (p66). Though, this method

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Michael Lemonick's Are We Losing Our Edge Essay

Michael Lemonick's Are We Losing Our Edge - Essay Example Thus, through such competition, any country that has even a little bit of ambition and grit is being able to establish itself within the rest of the world as a global superpower in terms of its trade and economy. As per the words of Shirley Ann Jackson, America is thus facing what is called, a ‘Quiet Crisis.’ (Lemonick, Michael D.) Various kinds of aspects have together helped to stem the kind of growth that American was having in the last few decades, and compared to the current levels of growth, how the same has slowed down due to processes within the government framework and structure. For example, the author writes that during the period of George W Bush, a large amount of hostility was shown towards various topics under science, which were not given ample grants or potential for research and testing. This has further led to the growth of the meltdown that the country is facing on a global scale today. (Msurjapu) The inadequacies of growth going in America have been further highlighted by the kind of slow down that has been brought about in the corporate sector as well. These industries are not being given enough government support unlike other companies around the world in other countries are receiving; furthermore, they are cutting back on their investments and production for fear of going into losses and not being able to cover their initial and variable costs. According to personal opinion, the reign under Barack Obama has done far better in trying to perfect this global meltdown that America has been going through since the time of Bush. During his time, not much emphasis was given to various sectors that were at that time waiting to explode into fully potential fields of growth and development. Since areas like nanotechnology, supercomputing and alternative energy were not given as much importance in America at the time, other countries like India and Japan were trying their best to exploit these areas and emerge as victorious superpowers in the same. The final result was that these other countries had been successful in their operations and left America a step behind in terms of such development in the fields of science and technology. By the time it was time for Bush to step down and Obama to take control and fix these factors, other countries around the world had established their own levels of competition in the global market with respect to these full of potential growth aspects of life. That is why, America has been said to be losing out on its edge; the same edge that it held over the global market earlier, due to such intolerance towards research in newer fields. This has been taken up by other nations around the world now, leading to American being put into the competition at the same level, and not a cut above the rest; a position that the country used to maintain in the past. Lemonick has made use of a number of rhetorical strategies to write his article. These are strategies used in order to make the wri ting more powerful and persuasive for the reader, and help him understand a person’s point of view better. However, each piece and kind of writing requires a different kind of strategy to be used, and not all of them can be used within the same article. Lemonick has made excellent use of exemplification within his article. This includes providing facts and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Doing business in UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Doing business in UK - Research Paper Example The four countries constituting the United Kingdom (UK) are England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. It is true that they can be distinguished geographically, however, their strong sense of nationality and identity cannot be ignored. Originally known for having a very homogeneous society, since the Second World War, Britain has acquired extreme diversity in all spheres due to the large number of immigrants accommodated into its population. The high mix of ethnic cultures and groups makes it difficult to define the British culture as having a particular look or acting in a particular fashion. The British are considered to be more formal as compared to other nations. It is found that numerous people belonging to the older generation prefer to work with organizations and people who are known to them or their associates. The young businessmen do not require long and standing personal relationships before entering into businesses with people. Nor do they depend on intermediaries for making i ntroductions for conducting businesses. In other words the key to successful businesses lie in effective relationships and maintenance of long term relationships. The British are seen to immense respect for ranks as they prefer to deal with people belonging to their levels or higher levels. Businessmen prefer including an elderly statesman into their group as a representative of authority which is considered as being essential for having positive and health business relationships . 1. The project seeks to present the pros and cons of conducting business in UK. This is done using the study of the region’s macro environment that affects the decisions of businessmen and entrepreneurs of organizations. Considerations are taken with regards to changes in tax structures, changes in legislations, demographic changes and changes in the government policies. To summaries it the entire project makes a thorough macro analysis of the United Kingdom which would impact the entry, establishm ent and growth of businesses in the same2. 1. PESTEL Analysis There are a number of factors in the external environment of firms which affect the decision making of managers and entrepreneurs. These factors are political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors which require consideration while setting up business in locations. 1.1. Political Factors The recent past political conditions in the United Kingdom were not very impressive for conducting business operations. However, the conditions have now changed. The government has been trying to schedule its activities as per its priorities for investing money. Blair has highlighted an Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report in which he tried to show that Britain’s taxes were much lower as compared to the other industrialized nations across the world, Japan and USA being the only two exceptions3. Recently the government has been stressing on cutting duty on fuel which would be compe nsated by cutting costs in the form of pension reductions. The food prices had reached record levels and the prices of stables like food grains, had reached high levels however, the price rise has been curtailed. The aim of the government has been to build a solid foundation for a healthy economy and attempt to achieve full employment, lower inflation rates and maximize welfare of the economy (see 3). 1.2. Economic

Monday, August 26, 2019

Role of land use planning in judicious distribution of population, Essay

Role of land use planning in judicious distribution of population, housing, and infrastructure and orderly development of the built environment - Essay Example nd efficient development of the built environment, as well as resolving adverse consequences of development such as; urban traffic congestion, quality of life, housing, protection of environment and security among others. It assesses the structure of cities, towns and rural landscapes and how land use planning influences them. It also highlights differences in;  built form, mix of land uses, density, and size of property / land parcels, street layout and neighborhood pattern, treatment of the public realm as well as public and private transportation.   Land-use planning can be defined as the organized evaluation of geographical, social and economic aspects with the aim of supporting and empowering land users in identifying sustainable alternatives that enhance their output and also facilitate accomplishment of societal needs (FAO, 1993). The idea of land use planning should not only be conceptualized in terms of production. Rather, many other aspects such as land utility for example protected areas, leisure neighborhoods, transport, water catchments and dumping sites among others. Berke & Godschalk (2006) observed that land use planning is practiced in all societies although some do not apply the phrase. Failure in land use planning leads to degradation and depletion of land resources as well as conflicts in the use of common resources. In rural landscapes, lack of land use planning leads to poor productivity of land. The built-up area significantly affects the functioning of cities. This is the area that comprises human activities except the open areas that extend to more than four hectares, land that is under cultivation, forest land, water bodies and other parcels of land that are under no productive use. Airfields and highways that are not adjoining the urban used land are not classified among the built-up land (Honachefsky, 1999). There are differences in the built form of different cities, towns and rural landscapes. Most cities’ built form is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Wireless Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wireless - Essay Example Each device on the network must also have a wireless network card in order to receive the wireless signal. The network layer manages the communication from the Ethernet hub. The transport layer keeps the traffic flowing while the session layer keeps traffic moving between computers granted access within the network, such as the desktop computer and a file or a mail server. The application layer is where data visibly moves as characters or entire files between computers.1 The greatest danger is interference from other radio frequencies such as radio-controlled toys.2 The second danger is unauthorized access by other wireless devices. AT&T, for instance, provides firewall software that blocks access, sometimes to needed sites. Certain backup programs are prevented from functioning by the firewall. Encryption is used by most providers to protect their own users. Although, sites like Brookhaven National Laboratories’ policy3 requires that all users register with BNL digitally but that BNL will not encrypt (or protect) the data of guest users. It is a strong policy that protects registered users while granting reasonable limited access to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Research Proposal Example The main reason for conducting this research proposal is to find out the importance of outdoor activities in Kamloops. There have been a growing number of recreational facilities over the last ten years in Kamloops. Bilton (14) also argue that most of these recreational centers are utilized during summer time. This proposal will seek out to find information pertaining to the reason why many people prefer visiting outdoor activities during summer time. Many researchers argue that most people in the British Columbia, Canada prefer going for outdoor activities in their home country rather than foreign countries (Bilton 14). What main reasons could be attributed to this preference? The deep engagement of this question and others will establish the reasons why native outdoor recreation facilities are preferred. From the government’s point of view, outdoor activities help them in earning revenue that they use to provide goods and services to the nationals. However, questions have been arising, whether they are undertaking the necessary steps to control and promote these recreational facilities. External markets also exist and they seek to attract as many customers as possible, regardless of their localities. Therefore, the role of the government in this exercise should also be established. What do the residents of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, as well as the state stand to gain from these outdoor exercises? The examination of the accruing benefits is virtually important. Establishing the benefits may also give a glimpse on what to expect in terms of sales and customers. For effective implementation of these activities, positive effects should outweigh the negative effects (Pender et al. 35). On establishing the various significances that relate to outward exercises, various stakeholders can now take the necessary steps and measures to boldly expand their activities and improve on

The relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic Essay

The relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development - Essay Example Introduction The 21st century corporate world is characterized by numerous business entities that are based on the suitability in their respective markets. Jones (2006) defines entrepreneurship as a way in which an organization or a person realizes a business opportunity, gathers resources and puts in place effective strategies and plans to launch their idea into making profit. Additionally, the author points out that entrepreneurship also involves detecting gaps in the market and using appropriate strategies to take advantage of the opportunity. Innovation refers to the ability of an organization to develop strategies and practices that would appreciate factors on globalization and technology. Innovation is a practice that recognizes technological advances and the benefits that comes with it to generate business opportunities and develop existing business ideas. In an argument by Jones innovation is an important factor in the corporate world as it is used to effectively put organiza tions is position in line with the current emerging trends in the corporate world. For instance, Cullen & Gordon (2007) cite that the use of social media marketing is an innovation example which most organizations in the modern century have implemented into their systems. With social media marketing a company greatly cuts its marketing costs and reaches out to a greater consumer population. Economic development on the other hand refers to the steps which the financial and economic status has improved in a particular period of time. Economic development is enhanced by the indulgence of more organizations and entrepreneurs in the corporate world. This increases the work input hence enhancing the level at which finances in a particular location is generated. Economic development is also defined by Nanda &Sorenson (2007) as the rate of equity turnover increase in a country. Apart from the factors influenced on the financial status, economic development can also be defined by the rate at which entrepreneurs venture into the corporate world. Entrepreneurial activity and its influence on innovation In an argument by Salgado-Banda (2005) entrepreneurial culture aids in the development of innovation and also promotes the culture. Innovation depends on people or organizations to develop new strategies and plans to venture into the market. On the other hand, entrepreneurship depends on innovation for originality and new market entrance. Jones (2005) argues that innovation significantly shapes the direction of both economic development and entrepreneurship. The greater the population of entrepreneurs the greater the level of innovation would rise in the corporate world. While defining entrepreneurship, Salgado-Banda (2005) points out that the vice is a development of ideas and creation of new market strategies. These are the main components of innovation. Additionally, entrepreneurship promotes competition and the emergence of new business entities in the market. An incre ase on the number of suppliers creates a need for every entity to gain a great competitive advantage. For this to be achieved, new entrances need to develop new and unique ideas to satisfy the demanding consumer market. This strive to gain superiority enhances the level of innovation (Salgado-Banda, 2005).The author further argues that innov

Friday, August 23, 2019

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 3 Essay

Criminal Justice Organizations- Assignment 3 - Essay Example The early phases of the operation should remarkably be more challenging, because educating the new recruits of their functions is fundamental move in organizing the new group. Training is necessary, because this is the only way that the entire operation will have to work out. It should be integrated in the training that the new recruits should work undercover, allowing their identities to be a secret even if the operation goes on for good in the future. The knowledge about the training should only be between the new recruits and a contract is necessary, in order to ensure the privacy of the entire operation. This means that prior to the training process the new recruits should have to sign something, signifying some legal actions to be taken against them once the knowledge of their group may prevail in public in the future. Keeping the identities of the new recruits secret is one challenging task of the management. This is therefore a kind of task that requires systematic approach, instead of only training and other relevant preliminary activities prior to the institution and actual operation. The content of the training should remarkably involve the rules, the actual operation and the entire view of what the tasks should be performed. The training should also become a venue for the employee to mature or provide maximum growth. Based on the point of view of quality circle programs, employees are given the opportunity for maximum growth, and at least have the chance for enhancing their ability to improve themselves, professionally and personally (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2012, p.149). The training should therefore provide essential programs that will provide a venue for the newly hired for the position to experience maximum growth and improve their ability to improve themselves both professionally and personally. The new assignment is a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Crisps and Snacks Essay Example for Free

Crisps and Snacks Essay Walker Crisps control the largest part of the crisps market in the United Kingdom, but lost significant market share three years ago when consumers began turning to other forms of snack. Furthermore, as the populace is made increasingly aware of the poor nutrition of some snack foods, the high salt content, and high fat content, they appear to be turning away from brands perceived as less healthy. Unfortunately, despite a revamping of products in 2006, most crisps products are viewed as less healthy and nutritious than alternatives such as cereal bars. . National campaigns designed to improve the quality of school lunches were effective at turning parents away from crisps as a lunchbox staple and adult health campaign have lead people to consider other snack options including fruits, nuts, yogurt and cereal bars. In addition, there is some indication that a declining birth rate has also negatively impacted demand for crisps as they tend to be most popular among the males in their teens and early twenties. Older and more affluent snackers choose other options including specialty, private label crisps, corn-based snacks and gourmet crisps with exotic flavors. It also seems clear from evidenced reported by Mintel analysis of the snack food market that there are some areas in which crisps cannot compete, as some consumers, particularly women seem attached to chocolate and sweet biscuits as a preferred indulgent snack. And, there is a marketing nightmare brewing. While crisps must shed their image as fatty, over-salted snacks with no nutritional value if they are to maintain their market share in a health-conscious environment, evidence suggests that men in particular do not want to eat something labeled as â€Å"diet† or â€Å"healthy†. The key appears to be a serious media campaign to change the way people think about crisps. Evidence suggestions that the three trends most likely to impact the crisps market are: a desire to purchase healthier snacks, a desire for classier snacks, and a desire to eliminate snacking in general. The Move toward Healthier Snacks The evidence is clear that the trend in snacking is to find healthier alternatives. Walker crisps was able to regain some of its lost market share in 2006 with the introduction and promotion of healthier, â€Å"baked† varieties, but still faces an uphill battle. In a recent poll, nearly half of the consumers questioned said they would be willing to spend more to be able to buy foods that were free from chemical additives (Mintel, 2007). Since many so-called â€Å"diet† foods are laden with chemicals ranging from preservatives to artificial sweeteners, this may be a market niche that Walkers could exploit with an all-natural crisp. However, it will take a serious marketing campaign to educate consumers about the â€Å"dangers’ hidden in other snack foods. Mintel’s analysis of Walkers marketing expenditures over the last three years has indicated that they have begun to see the value of print advertising that explains the benefits of their newer, â€Å"healthier† product lines. However, it seems likely that Walkers will have to consider a new multimedia advertising campaign that redirects the way people think about crisps. A strict marketing campaign that shows crisp consumption as part of a healthy diet could also help the company retain market share. Currently, consumers are increasingly turning to other snack options in the belief that they are healthier than crisps. It might be advantageous to do a head to head comparison between crisps and several other snacks demonstrating the relative fat content, calories and other nutritional information. For example, the Mintel study showed that 23 percent of consumers snack on cereal bars, often in the belief that they are a healthy sack. However, reading a product label makes it clear that the average cereal bar has as many calories and carbohydrates as a bag of baked crisps. Walkers also needs to continue with current advertising campaigns which explain the change in oils used to create the crisps and the reduction in salt. All of these combined attacks on accepted nutritional ideas can help to recreate crisps in the minds of the consumer. Furthermore, Mintel analysis shows that consumers are less likely to buy branded products or healthy products when buying for use in entertaining. As part of their overall health campaign, Walkers might want to consider an advertising campaign similar to the ones used by American beer companies. â€Å"Friends don’t let friends drink bad beer† could become something along the lines of â€Å"Show your friends you have great taste, buy walker crisps. † Though the concept is a bit loose, it could be refined and would likely results in increased sales for Walkers. The Move to Classier Snacks Another interesting trend within snack food is the move toward hand-cooked or gourmet crisps. These premium brands tend to be smaller manufacturers instead of multinational corporations like Walkers, which is a division of PepsiCo. These brands are gaining in popularity among more affluent, educated consumers. They have shown a preference for exotic flavors like â€Å"Thai sweet chili† and sea salt and malt vinegar instead of the standard crisps (Mintel, 2007). To that end, it is in the best interest of Walkers to continue to expand their line of premium crisps and to develop new flavors that are likely to appeal to consumers. Within this market, it is also important to appeal to the health conscious consumer, so any effort that can be made to create these new flavors using infused oils and natural spices instead of something cooked up with chemicals is a plus (Mintel, 2007). These consumers are more educated and therefore more likely to be well-informed about the products that they are putting into their bodies. These consumers are in many ways the perfect target for an educational advertising campaign which asks why they are depriving themselves of the textures and flavors they love just so that they can eat a cereal bar that tastes like cardboard. This is also a good market to explore because this demographic is less concerned about the price and more concerned about giving themselves a special treat. Often, hey view everything they eat, drink and wear as a form of status symbol and Walkers would do well to establish their premiums brands within this niche. An advertising campaign that reminds consumers that doing something nice for themselves should also taste good would play well to this demographic. The Move Away from Snacking As part of a health-consciousness campaign, citizens of the United Kingdom are being taught that snacking between meals is leading to the Britain’s obesity problem and should be cut out (Mintel, 2007). According to the Mintel poll, fewer people every year admit to eating between meals. While this may be a factor of people not admitting to themselves what their true behavior patterns are, it can mean that they are not planning ahead for snacking and not purchasing traditional snack foods like crisps. One of the best ways to deal with this would be another form of reeducation for the populace. Though dietary requirements are in an ever-changing state of flux as science learns more and more about how the body works, many diets argue that five or six small meals a day maintain blood sugar levels better than the traditional three meals a day. So, even if the addition is simply mid-morning and afternoon tea, Walkers and other snack providers need to change the way the United Kingdom thinks about snacks. Again, the goal is not to have crisps replace full meals like breakfast, but crisps with tea might be a marketing ploy that Walkers could successfully market especially in terms of their premium, exotic brands. Acknowledging that they are competing with scones and sweet biscuits and everything else for every moment the consumer chooses a snack is imperative to Walkers efforts to maintain their market share. Conclusions The simple truth is that snack foods are facing an increased amount of competition every day with more and more companies looking for alternatives to the standard potato crisp. Therefore, companies which rely on crisps as a major segment of their brand identity must find new ways to market and appeal to consumers. Since we have established that current buying behavior seems to be based on perceived nutritional value, perceived class and the perception that snacking makes you fat, an aggressive marketing campaign designed to challenge these notions and change them is necessary. Walks must change the perception of crisps as an unhealthy waste of calories and a blase snack. They must jazz it up and create a desire for people to incorporate crisps into their daily diet. Otherwise, they will continue to watch their market share slip away. WORKS CITED â€Å"Crisps and Snacks†, Mintel Reports, May, 2007.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Toni Morrisons Beloved: Past and the Present

Toni Morrisons Beloved: Past and the Present Past and Present in Beloved The principal message of Toni Morrison, in her novel Beloved, is that the past should not be an impediment to the present. Slavery is an institution that dominates the past of America, and represents the horror from which the modern nation wishes to rise above. But this cannot be achieved through the willful ignorance of the past. The horrors of the past must be acknowledged before we are able to lay them to rest. However, it is a mistake too to dwell on the injustices committed by our forebears, for by doing so we only enslave ourselves to the past once more. In the novel Beloved is an allegorical character who represents the past of slavery, in the specific context of the black community. She enters the lives of Sethe, Denver and Paul D, and helps them to deal conclusively with the past, and therefore to leave it behind and face the future. Paul D insinuates that Sethe has â€Å"too thick love† for her children, and that this is the root cause of her plight. However, it is b ecause of Sethe’s overwhelming love that Beloved appears in her life. So, even though her overbearing love causes her to murder her own daughter, it also leads to the ultimate resolution. On the other hand, Paul D’s variety of love only causes him to retreat into a shell, and from which there is no progress. Morrison presents slavery as an extremely cruel institution, but this is not her primary intention. The more immediate message of the novel is that the past must be dealt with finally, and must then be laid to rest. A former slave, Sethe is now a free woman, living with her teenage daughter Denver. Early in the novel she admits another former slave Paul D as her partner. When he first arrives, it brings back to her the horrific past, which she is struggling to eradicate. But Paul D is just as eager to leave his slave days behind, and this leads to a rapport between the two. Sethe’s horror stems from the fact that she had murdered her two-year-old daughter, because she did not want her to be captured and put into slavery. She was fleeing from her sadistic owner, and had been raped before she took her drastic move. However, they cannot hold back the past, because soon there appears the embodied spirit of her murdered daughter, whom they do not recognize as such, but whom Sethe c alls Beloved. Her appearance infuses tension into the lives of all she touches, and in this way she effects a vital transformation. Before the advent of Beloved the story concentrates of the magnitude of Sethe’s crime. We tend to agree with Paul D’s comment that she has â€Å"too thick love†, and we believe that nothing can excuse the murder of one’s own child. Sethe’s reply is â€Å"Love is or love aint. Thin love aint no love at all† (Morrison 173). At the time we dismiss this reply as fatuous, but its significance is magnified by the end of the story. Even though Sethe has escaped slavery, and lives as a free woman with her daughter, and in the company of Paul D, we soon sense that the past remains as an overbearing presence in their lives. The author wishes to make it clear that the spirit of the dead baby is haunting house number 124, and indeed this part of the story contains the heading â€Å"124 was spiteful. Full of a babys venom† (Ibid 3). We soon come to realize that the effect on the inhabitants is not a positive one. Sethe shuts her past away, and it w ould have remained thus if Paul D had not appeared and brought it all back to her. Even then she is struggling to keep it away from her, and the effort leaves her morose and downbeat all the time. Paul D does nothing to help in this direction, because he too keeps his past bottled up. Indeed, he has perfected it into an art, telling Sethe how he keeps all the undesirable memories in the â€Å"rusted tobacco tin† of his heart (Ibid 77). At first it seems that Denver is not too uncomfortable with the spirit of the baby occupying the home. She has learnt to communicate with this spirit, and has developed a sort of rapport with it. However, it has rendered her shy and withdrawn, and unable to cope with the world. The overall atmosphere in the house is one of stagnation, and very much full of the â€Å"babys venom† mentioned in the title. The arrival of Beloved effects a dramatic change in the household. The author leaves the identity of this character a mystery, but then again provides enough clues that point towards an allegorical interpretation. This part of the story is titled â€Å"124 was loud† (Ibid 177), and if we interpret this as a progression from the title of the first part, we easily deduce that the spirit of the baby has grown and has found embodiment in Beloved. When she is discovered by Sethe, she is homeless, without a memory of her past, and is wet and shivering from being left out in the rain. All the clues pertain to a birth, because a baby comes into the world without a memory, and is wet too. She will soon accommodate herself into the household of 124 in the most natural way, which points to the natural tie she possesses with the inhabitants. She is of the exact age that Sethe’s murdered child would have been, and indeed she reminds Sethe only of her. From all these clues it is clea r that Beloved is the embodied spirit of Sethe’s dead daughter, and is the same spirit that had haunted the house in the first part. There she was merely a spiteful presence. Here, however, she is â€Å"loud†, as proclaimed in the title. Beloved soon becomes a demanding presence in the household, and Sethe finds herself at her beck and call. The relationship between the two becomes an obsessive one. The principle dynamic between them is the fact that Sethe does not want to face the past, whereas Beloved’s every act and indication has a bearing on Sethe’s own past. To recognize Beloved as the spirit of her murdered daughter would imply a confrontation with the past, and it seems as if the spirit is egging Sethe on to make this recognition. But Sethe is stubborn, and yet she is strangely drawn to the newcomer in the house, whom she likes to see as an adopted daughter, but nothing more. It is as if the â€Å"thick love† that she bears towards her daughter makes her compulsively drawn towards Beloved, but her inhibitions stop her from making the proper recognition. It is probably in response to this inhibition that Beloved turns more and more demanding and malevolent, which has a severe effect on the other members of the household, Denver and Paul D. Denver cannot cope with the demands of Beloved, and she is forced to move out of the household, and takes up residence in community. Paul D is also uncomfortable in her presence, and he has removed his lodgings into the barn. Despite all these drastic changes Sethe remains stubborn in her refusal to recognize the true identity of Beloved, and as a result is more and more obsessively drawn towards her. Beloved is â€Å"loud†, and all the rest are forced to listen to her. She is an allegorical character representative of the past, and the author is suggesting that the past is asking to be heard and dealt with. We do not fail to notice that Beloved has a striking effect on all whom she comes in contact with. In the first part of the book Denver was comfortable with the spiritual presence of the baby, and she grew despondent after Paul D exorcises the spirit away from the house. But the spirit has returned in a more mature body, and this time it jolts her out of her shy and retiring shell. She moves out of the house in exasperation, but this is a positive influence on her, for now she is able to cope with the world. Paul D hates Beloved, but he can’t help being seduced by her, and in the end makes her pregnant. Through his mesmerizing sexual encounters with Beloved he learns to express himself once more. He had become so withdrawn from the world that he was beginning do doubt himself as a man, and Beloved sparks a regeneration in him. As in the case of Denver, Beloved is drawing the person out of a shell of the past and into the immediate present. Sethe, of course, is the most difficult case, but she too is transformed in the end. When Denver returns to 124 with the abolitionist Mr. Bodwin, Sethe mistakes him for â€Å"schoolteacher†, the sadistic slave owner under whom she had suffered when she was a slave in the Sweet Home plantation. It was schoolteacher’s nephew who had raped her, and who had forced her to take the life of her own daughter. When she mistakes Denver’s companion for schoolteacher, she is overcome by rage, and attacks him with an ice pick. She is quickly brought to her senses, but this is the moment when she finally confronts her past, and therefore has dealt with it. Accordingly, Beloved is seen no more after this point, which further underlies the allegorical interpretation of her presence. The past has served its function, and now vanishes so that it is possible for all to live in the immediate present. The third and final part of the story, in which Beloved is absent, it titled  "124 was quiet†, indicating a more peaceful existence in the present moment. The peace is only possible because Sethe had loved her children wholeheartedly, and enough to kill one of them. It was a crime committed under extreme circumstances, and motivated by love towards the victim. It is again the same overwhelming force of love that ushered in the presence of Beloved, so at to effect a final resolution. In conclusion, Sethe is right in defending the â€Å"thick love† that she bears towards her children. She is right in contending that love is love, and that to compromise it in any way is to turn it into something else. We would not expect a mother to kill her child, no matter what the circumstances. But the author is making a comment on the hopelessness that faced the slaves, and the extent to which they were liable to react. The incident of Sethe killing her daughter is put forward as emblematic of the cruelty of slavery. But whatever the reality of it, it is in the past. The message of the novel is that the past must be confronted and laid to rest. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved: A Novel. New York: Plume, 1988. Computer Engineering: Career Computer Engineering: Career Computer Engineering/Engineer Throughout the years we have spent on this planet, a lot of us are apparent to the rapid changes of technology. The moving of computer technology from China to America; none of us can say that those technological advancements made in the past few decades are given by the development of new computer science and engineering. These days, those assets we obtained are camouflaging every field of what we, now live by, and it is continuing to spread double time to every rim of this world. Computer engineering/engineer work together to create and maintain a computers performance and manufactures. The type of training for this career requires one to have patiences and the ability to learn about computer science and the training programs that follow. However, one will find that the advantages of this career require one to use his or her creativity, while the disadvantages to this training may require one to work longer hours on certain given assignments. Throughout my life, I have been enticed with the functions of computers. When I was younger, I use to love solving problems on the computer. Nevertheless, I always had my goals set for computer engineering. If I have a major in computer engineering, it offers me several advantages over a major in computer science. I have been able to obtain an interest in creative solving variety problems, by analyzing and estimating my optional solutions. Computer engineers follow the bases of computer engineering curriculum, which better prepares them for problem-oriented approaches. Furthermore, an average engineer curriculum concentrates more on the hardware factor of computers. When I was searching for a college with this major, I noticed that nearly every school I visited offered a degree in computer science. However, very few of them offered one in computer engineering. Carnegie Mellon has exposed a compelling financial liability to excellent students and some cutting-edge technology (SCS,n.d. ). Computer Engineers contain the swiftest developing branch of engineers. Computer engineering is considerably one of todays most technologically based jobs. The field of computer engineering blends with the knowledge of electronic engineering and computer science to beget advancement in computer systems. Electronic and Computer engineering, or what engineers would call the E.C.E. (Electrical and Computer, n.d.), is an organization that works with the use of certain energy to develop structures, materials, and machines that are valuable for us (Electrical and Computer, n.d.). The computer engineers supply the techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical resolution to create, test, and assess software and computer systems. Computer engineers use what todays best technology provides to create tomorrows. I recently spoke with my father who has been a computer engineer for nearly 8 years and asked him what type of training and education he had to have in order to obtain his degree in Computer Software Engineering. He told me that computer engineers require a high level of training and intelligence to be masters at their job. A type of bachelors degree is what he accomplished, however, to receive such a degree; one must go to a college or university with a good computer-engineering program and or computer science program. He then told me once employed at a particular engineering company, there is usually an on the job training program that we must learn and the certain types of systems that will be created and manufactured. So basically, computer engineering majors must study conventional electronic engineering, computer scienceagainand math in the college or university. The electrical engineering attainments that a computer engineer acquires allow them to understand the appliances tha t go into the computers so that they are created and built in the create format. My father says that the computer science part gives the engineer more wisdom and knowledge on how the software makes the computer system run right and perform tasks in excellent quality. More and more computer engineers are being laid-off, while some are wanted. Everyday there is a demand for computer engineers, and the list will just keep growing. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages for this particular career. Many people find that computer engineering is working on a computer for 8 hours and then going home. However, there is more to that theory than meets the eye. The advantage of being a computer engineer is to be able to use ones creativity, and when working on a detailed project, one can express his or her ideas through the computer. Another great advantage is the increasing pay. This career is one that increases ones bonuses on top of that bonus. There are some disadvantages to this also. Working at a computer desk all day long and being inside all the time is one. Of course, there are breaksmy father saysbut how long does that last before your back at the desk again. This type of career requires patiences and one must be very patient in order to accomplish this. The computer is a very interesting machine, and I believe that the technology that we have now will continue to increase with our future comput er engineer and science wisdom and knowledge. Many things are successful by having computer engineers in todays economy. To train in this field requires good patience and experience in computer science and technology. To work on such machinery, one must be skilled and knowledgeable of his or her equipment. This career is worthwhile and growing every year. References About SCS. (n.d.). Carneige Mellon School of Computer Science. Retrieved December 4, 2009, from Electrical and Computer Engineering. (n.d.). Welcome to ECE. Retrieved December 5, 2009, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Essential Parts Of Project Quality Information Technology Essay

The Essential Parts Of Project Quality Information Technology Essay Quality is essential to our project because we need quality planning and quality work to meet the projects purpose and deliver the projects goal. In plain English, quality is what makes something good. In business, what is good is what adds value to the business, service or product. Deming, the creator of the field of total quality management (TQM), defined quality as conformance to specifications. According to recent work (Sid K., 2004), in project management, there is a fundamental connection from value, to purpose, to goal, to detailed requirements, to specifications, and from specifications to a working product and a successful project. Quality is what holds them together. Each project is unique and we must define quality differently for each project. We must make sure that the definition of quality is the customers, not just our own. When we have a picture and a set of requirements, we know what is really of value to the customer. If the requirements are right, then, we can build a good specification. Then, when we deliver a product or service conforming to that specification, we deliver quality and value. Following that formula is a recipe for success. Aims and objectives The main aim of this report is to design a quality management system which ensures continuous improvement for this company and enables them to alleviate the continuing quality issues that are inherent in their company at present. Analyze the prior information and make judgements as to possible causes of poor quality by using the statistics and using quality control tools such as; flowcharts check sheets, Pareto diagrams, histograms, cause and effect diagrams, scatter diagrams and control charts. Propose the solutions to improve quality on all levels of the value chain. Background Organization JEEVES PLC is a company, manufacturing and selling domestic robot, which is designed to carry out a wide range of domestic chores. The robot has human appearance as shown in the picture 1. Picture 1. Domestic robot. The factory operates all days, except Sundays and two weeks each Christmas and summer. Both manual and clerical staffs are members of National Union of Robot Constructors (N.U.R.C). The production system runs in 3 shifts, 8 hours per shift. Next chart shows the hierarchy of the company. ORGANISATION CHART Production Director Purchasing manager Production Control manager Shift 2 Manager Shift 3 Manager Assistant Works manager Stores Manager Chief Inspector Staff of 15 Total staff of approx. 150 each Works manager Cutting Supervisor 4 people Software Installation Supervisor 5 people Adhesives Supervisor 25 people Legs Assembly Supervisor 8 people Heads Assembly Supervisor 14 people Fronts Assembly Supervisor 18 people General machining Supervisor 9 people Jointing Supervisor 11 people Pressing Supervisor 3 people Shift 1 manager Final Assembly Supervisor 18 people Arms Assembly Supervisor 12 people Backs Assembly Supervisor 28 people Cleaning Spray shop Supervisor 17 people Product The robot equipped by the last word of technology and has modern voice programming and simple speaking abilities. It is made of light alloy and has sensory apparatus, which lets him not to bump into things. The robot also has a keyboard and hypercard storage system located underneath the panel in the chest. This makes him more flexible, due to its programmable ability. Several standard software applications for domestic chores are offered within the initial purchase price. Production process The production line consist of 13 sections: cutting, pressing, cleaning and spray, jointing, general machining, backs, fronts, heads, arms, legs assemblies, adhesives, final assembly and software. All production process can be finished in 4 5 weeks. Initially, sales department orders the robots from the factory. Ultra lightweight Kevlar and alloy sheet steel is ordered from the local steel stockholders and components such as the radar vision system, audio recognition, electric motor and battery are ordered from component suppliers and inspected at the second week. The sheet steel is cut on a guillotine. Any scrap is discarded. Special joints are precision machined, after these, the cut sheets are pressed into shapes (fronts, backs, arms, legs and heads) and drilled to facilitate assembly. The guillotines, presses, and other machinery are controlled by technologic operator. The shaped cases are then cleaned, burnished and sprayed in the appropriate colour. The cases proceed through a series of chemical treatments to prevent corrosion and to prime the surface. They are then normally blow dried using a hand held hose. Then, spraying is an automated process. Two coats are applied and after the first coat the casings are machine polished. Hand finishing and polishing completes the process. The joints must be able to rotate in 6 planes both clockwise and against clockwise. The company uses its own patented precision jointing system in order to increase the degree of freedom and its accuracy. The last stage of the production process is carry out sub assembly and final assembly and inspection and then transfer to the finished goods store on the 4 5 weeks. The analysis of the system Problems in production process Precision jointing This process is very complex, and needs very accurate skills for staff. In this section we use very sophisticated and expensive apparatus. Table 1 below shows the percentage rate of jointing mechanisms with the dates. Table 1: Percentage rejection rate of precision jointing mechanism. Graph 1: Rejection rate in percentage. From the above graph we can analyze that the rejection rate is at its peak on Mondays. Also we can evaluate that the morning shift supervisor have good competence and relationships with his personnel. We know that the production process operates in 3 shifts, 8 hours per shift, except Sundays and holidays. So, on the Mondays to start run the factory we need to spend more money and time, because several machines must to become warm before they will start to work. The productivity of the company increasing at these times, on the other hand it is strongly recommended to make one day break per week for all staff and factory.   Further analysis shows that the rejection rate during the night shifts is higher than the daily shifts. Table 2 shows the total rejection rate of each shift. Graf 2: Percentage rejection rate in each shift. From the above graph we can see percentage rejection rate in each shift. Night shift staff can be faced with some difficulties. In our opinion, due to human nature employees at this period of time dont give much attention on their work. Their body clocks are disconcerted. They need more motivation and teamwork. Component assembly The components assembly is done by semi-skilled workers using power tools. There are also some parts and connections where can be used only females, due to high sensitivity and carefulness. Females try to do their work more accurate than males, and give more attention. This is very important on all stages of the process. The rejection rate for loose components at this point is approximately 1.2 %. A further 0.5% is rejected at final inspection, causing expensive rework situations. There is a staff turnover of 25% per annum amongst such operatives in the back casing sub assembly section. This strongly affects all quality elements in the system. From the data given from case study we can build Pareto Diagram. Graph 3: Pareto diagram. This shows percentage of overall total rejects and cumulative percentage of rejects. The beneath diagram of the causes and effects in production process helps to produce deeper investigation of current situation. Diagram 1. Causes and effects in production process. Quality costs and productivity A recent estimate of quality costs showed that they were distributed as follows, Failure prevention cost 4% Appraisal and inspection cost 44% Internal in plant failure cost 22% External field failure cost 30% Total 100% Table 3: Quality costs Graph 4: Quality costs pie chart Quality costs pie chart illustrates data from Table 3. From the case study we know, that staff turnover has averaged 15% and has been fairly consistent over a period of time. Absenteeism has averaged 6% peaking in August and December but consistent over several years. After the initial spurt of investment the amount of capital employed in the factory has been flagging expressed in terms of  £ per employee. Productivity, expressed in terms of output per direct (factory) employee has been as follows: Year Output per Person Capital Employed 2016 15.3 units/annum  £47,000 p.p 2017 10.1 units/annum  £32,000 p.p 2018 10.4 units /annum  £34,000 p.p 2019 9.7 units per annum  £31,000 p.p 2020 8.8 units per annum  £30,000 p.p Table 4: Productivity, expressed in terms of output per direct (factory) employee. Vigour of productivity is decreasing while the capital employed per / person / per unit / per annum gradually increases over the years. Warranty and claims management Track warranty information and expirations, determine whether equipment is covered by warranty, monitor warranty repairs and customer claims, capture and analyze warranty-service costs, and file and track warranty claims against OEMs. The following  business goals and objectives  can be achieved through the implementation of these processes: Improving Customer Service Improving Service Delivery Increase Speed Efficiency From the case study, the data sheet for Warranty claims we are building Pareto diagram. Graph 5: Pareto diagram for Warranty claims. As a result we can identify major types of complaints and claims from Pareto diagram. 1. Robots responding incorrectly to commands 2. Robots crashing into obstacles 3. Burnt out electric motors 4. Robots not responding to commands 5. Intermittent power lost The solutions for analyzed system Ahead of the providing with the suggestions, we must be familiar with the impact of HF on the system and the playing role in it. In relation to current paper (Baybutt P.), people are key components of processes and there is no step in the process life cycle without human involvement. According to (, 2000), in industry, HFs is the study of how humans behave physically and psychologically in relation to particular environments, products, or services. Vast amount of organizations have HF department, to analyze how designed new product or service will be accepted by the users, how the organizations personnel can work more effectively without accidents and human errors. The system we have studied is very complex and integrated. It is automated, but not automatic due to participation of human factor. In decomposition we can see two main elements: technology process and human factor. They affect the system very strongly. We must understand the role of human factor on all levels of the value chain. It can be all staff, customers, rivals, and etc. The main role in productivity also plays human factor. Below fishbone breakdown strategy shows causes mainly affecting the organizations objectives. Figure 1: Fishbone diagram. Human factor is very important, because on manufacture always exist human error. Human is very unpredictable, due to its behavior, physiology, history, culture, and etc. These all can affect people and change their moods; as a result we have human errors, decreasing productivity, increasing all costs, wasting time and money. All positive indicators in the systems will be reduced. We need to motivate people, and make all conditions for productively work. Every person is unique and every person needs individual approach of motivation. For somebody monetary motivation is good, another one needs motivations like little break, vacation or just warm words. The best solution is, if managers will try to understand their personnel, collaborate, interact, and support them. Building teamwork, try to work together is also one way of motivation. It will give energy and spirit, increase productivity in all dimensions. Costs will be reduced and staff turnover will decrease. To sustain competitive advantage over rivals, to reduce number of technological and economical processes we need to automate all stages of production process. As a result, we can use personnel in other organizational needs. Technology powerfully supports business strategies and makes obstacles to enter the market other competitors. Our company trying to use the latest technology and software engineering to have competitive advantage, which will benefit for long period of time. If most processes within systems will be automatic, the workers can develop and upgrade their knowledge and skills. These issues are very important for our staff. All departments should collaborate and try to make warm and happy atmosphere. There must be other department, who will learn about customers and clients. Focus on the target markets and try to look for new potential users. Our product is an innovation in technology. Ideas and collaboration are the fuel for innovation. And organizations that can tap into and quickly leverage the collective creativity of their employees and customers have greater potential to disrupt the status quo and leapfrog the competition. (IBM, 2007, pp. 2-8) The organizations must to have immunity to rapidly changing environment. The linkage between business and technology is very important issue. Where the technology needs to have; an optimal combination of scalability, flexibility and serviceability, keeping in mind the requirements and stakeholders expectations to support the business for organisations and satisfy the needs of consumers as defined in Shraddha Tilloos (2006, pp 1 12) study. Moreover, we need to control major elements within system like time, quality, functions, resources and risks. Reorganisation of the manufactures management and the way they operate is required. The structure of the organization must be flatter; to decrease the way the signal proceeds from top to down. Thus, it will make easier to control major elements. The new departments must be open like; Research and Development and Human Resources departments. They can consist from two and more employees due to our budget. Sometimes its better to involve independent specialists, who have fresh view on the current situations, and have deep knowledge and understanding in stringent fields. Not enough to have just purchasing manager. We must mind advertising and promotion part of the strategy. It is very complex concept in purchasing process. Must be done external and internal assessment of the environments, it will help to select most optimal target market, increase income and save our budget. Our product will be well known and easy selling. To integrate the subsystem of low quality of robots jointing compounds, we need to follow the operational techniques and the activities which will sustain a quality of product and service that will satisfy given needs. The quality management system must be developing with continuous improvement, to sustain quality and business objectives. Conclusion We analyzed the JEEVES PLC Company, which produces innovative product the robot, designed to help our customers in domestic chores. To maintain quality and to analyze current dilemmas on all phases in production and trending processes we have been used the statistics from case study and quality control tools such as; flowcharts check sheets, Pareto diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, scatter diagrams and control charts. Above recommendations will affect the organization effectively, and will lead to continuous improving quality on all levels of the value chain and sustain competitive advantage over opponents.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Biomes as Units of the Biosphere :: essays research papers

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines biosphere as â€Å"the part of the world in which life can exist.† There are 2.1 million catalogued species known to exist and some scientist estimate as much as 100 million might exist. Each of these species has adapted to life in a particular part of the biosphere. These particular parts are called ecosystems. Since there is a large jump between the biosphere and ecosystems scientists have divided the biosphere into biomes. In doing research about biomes, it seems that different scientists have different ideas about biomes. They vary in their number just as they vary in their names. Biomes could be called units of the biosphere and each biome is made up of many ecosystems. There are obviously many types of biomes in this world because of the diversity of climates around the world. The fewer number of biomes you choose to say make up our ecosystem, the more general they become. Some scientists obviously believed that more types of biomes are needed to describe the variety of climates in our world. Some name as few as six biomes to describe the different areas of our biosphere but others name as many as twelve or more. I believe that six is sufficient but there are what you might call sub-biomes of each biome that some would like to differentiate from the others like them. The taiga biome is the largest of the biomes. It is located in Canada, Europe and Asia. The average temperature of the taiga is below freezing about 6 months out of the year with about 12 to 33 inches of precipitation per year. There is little diversity in plant life. A few broad leaf tree species live in the taiga but mostly evergreen trees are the only ones that have adapted to really thrive in this environment. There are some animals that have adapted to live in the cold and snowy environment. A predator called the ermine has a thick coat of dark fur that turns white in the winter. The snowshoe rabbit also has a fur that turns white in the winter. The wolverine is able to mate during ideal conditions by delayed implantation in which they suspend dormant fertilized eggs until the conditions are ideal for bearing their young. Rainforests are the most diverse having more than 15 million species living in the biome. The rainforest biome is sometimes separated into two different biomes.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Live for Today :: Personal Narrative Michael Jordan Essays

Live for Today Tomorrow, the day after today. It is an indefinite time in the future. One question many people have on their minds is, what does tomorrow hold in store for me? What â€Å"if tomorrow never comes†, in the words of a song by the country-artist, Garth Brooks. Could I say I finished everything I started, or did I accomplish everything that I always wanted to do, but never did for fear of it being too risky? No one should feel they did not take the high road in order to enable them to fulfill that one great adventure. Life is full of ups and downs; it could be described as a huge pot of gold with a few dingy stones mixed together. The dingy stones are the few misfortunes one may come across; the gold is what everyone wants, and hopefully attains. To achieve anything, one must take risks and not ask questions regarding tomorrow. I, like many others, could choose to look into a clear, crystal ball and see what the future holds. Instead I decide to look away and be adventurous. This way I get to have the exciting feeling of not knowing what is behind door number three or four. Yes, it is a scary feeling, but also one of hope. Life Experience I had played on the volleyball team all through my junior high days, and was a starter on the â€Å"A† freshman team when I reached high school. As a sophomore, I couldn’t believe it when I got the towel thrown in on me. I was devastated when I was cut from the team. Volleyball was my life; I absolutely loved the sport. How could they do this to me? Everyone told me things would turn out fine, but how did they know? A close friend of mine wrote me a letter stating, â€Å"I know that right now it is hard to accept the paths that God has chosen for us, but I am sure whatever you decide to do with what has been thrown in your way you can surpass everyone else†. I thought about what that really meant, and decided she was right. I had been thrown something I was not sure what to do with or how to handle, but with a little advice from my brother, Chris, I decided to take a risk and try something new. I chose to become a member of our school’s cross-country team.

Failure Of The Weimar Republic Essay -- essays research papers

To what extent is it true to say that "The failure of the Weimer Republic was due to external factors beyond its control and the rise of a German messiah"? In 1933, the Weimer Republic was officially abolished by Hitler, the German 'messiah.' The Weimer Republic was replaced by his opposite, its contrast. From a democratic state to a state ruled by a 'messiah.' Was it inedible that the Weimer Republic would become a failure? Or would different conditions have changed the occurred? There where different external factors the Weimer Republic where forced to face. The actual Republic had neither influence nor any fault to their existence. The first of these factors the Republic faced was the fact that the Republic was introduced following the defeat in the First World War. This was present in the minds of all German people. They where not able to understand how they could have lost a war where they had been told they where beating their enemies. German people where shocked, surprised. It was difficult for them to believe they had not won. Military defeat combined with social distress of the Germans for the loose of war was what gave birth to the Weimer Republic. Therefore, it started under bad conditions. A war which had been believed to be a success but became a failure. As a result of failure in the First World War Germany was forced to sign a treaty, called the Treaty of Versaille. In this treaty, it was recognized that Germany was responsible for the start of the war. This even though not proved was recognized by Germany. The people could not believe it. They where embarrassed at what there country had recognized by signing the treaty. Even though, they had no choice but to sign. As one of the points in the treaty, Germany had to pay a rather large number of reparations. Germany was required to make extensive financial reparations. Difficulty arose in making these reparations. The Republic did not have enough money. The Weimer Republic was not in a good situation. They had a lot of reparations to make and no money to be able to make them. Yet, the Republic managed to survive many difficult years. The putsches, it's early years. Just as it was getting over these 'growing pains,' another crisis occurred for the republic. In 1923, there was the invasion of the Ruhr. This affected the German middle class. ... ...with a monarch. Their parents and grandparents had lived there life in Germany governed this way. They had always known this and no other way. The largest group in Germany, the middle class, many of the mittelstand never gave up with the idea of the Imperial System. They still believed in the Kaiser. In his way of ruling. They did not want to accept a new government; therefore, they disliked the Weimer Republic since its birth. There also where problems with the other political parties. The communist where standing alone as a group. They wished to see the death of The conditions in which the Weimer Republic was born where not the best. After a failure, one the Republic was forced to face. The Republic had to face many external factors, which they had no power upon. These external factors did 'push' the Weimer Republic to its failure. The rise of Hitler also helped the Weimer Republic to fail. He had power over the German people; they believed him and listened to him. Yet, this was not all. There where other factors which also helped the Weimer Republic to fail. All these different points together made the Republic extremely weak, making it inevitable for it to collapse.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is Exposure to the Internet at Early Age a Good Idea

The internet currently presents very interesting questions and challengers for parents. If there were an instruction manual and how to be a parent leaning on technology and the internet would be worthy to certain the problems. Internet leaders, analysts, and activists are involved in an ongoing debate about how the internet and technology affect our lives, as virtual reality becomes embedded in your life. While technology advances have improved communication capabilities, there is wide disagreement as to whether this leads to better social tolerance, human relations, or home lives. Nowadays, children are moving towards technology in by time. Definitely, we are in a period where technology is everything without technology our life left out and monotonous. In discussion, let see the use of internet aspect for the children. Internet has both its good and bad impact. It really depends on our way of use. For me, I agree the discussion of exposure to the internet at an early age a good idea because children can develop computer skills faster, in internet many websites include types of educational will have, give your child quick and effective access and finally encourage to use more comfortable resources in internet. What can the internet do for you and your children? Let see now and in the future? Its usefulness enters every area of our lives. By the internet, updated information about vital subjects can apply which only a click way. The internet presents much benefit to the individual or children for education, business, entertainment and live socialization. Exposure to the internet at an early age because can develop their computer skills so far in education and entertainment. As a tool for education and entertainment, the internet enables users to learn about virtually any topic in education or entertainment, search information or play an infinite number of online games with other users. This keeps them aware of all things going on around technology. The internet is the most useful and important thing in today’s society may develop their computer skills faster. The first step is gaining an adequate knowledge of the facts, and then knowing where to look for solutions. As result as, our children are thinking true or false knowledge and avoid the problems. Informed parents can be proactive and reduce the risks, and perhaps just as important, they can ensure technology is positive influence for yours. Besides that, exposure to the internet at early age because information technology give learn about virtual education for their children to develop acknowledge for them. There are so many valuable information that the children can get on the internet. This keeps them aware of all the things to do and going on around them. So, children should have proper access to the internet from a very early age to learn and teach them earlier. Besides that, information technology is mediator and beneficial to young child to develop their skills. Many programs and types of education will have in internet such as citcat. com, dictionary with ‘google’ translate and many programs are beneficial to them. Before that, to suppose this advantage, family should supervision for them to allowed use the internet. In addition, exposure to the internet at early age can give your child quick and effective access the internet. Information technology gives a large amount of educational material to use for education part. Children more like to explore their mind to search any part in internet to have information for them. Other sides, schools generally give your child encourage and usually insist upon the use of computers for obtaining resources. These are started at school while they should know and where this information can get for them. This age children grow their capturing skills and knowledge around them. Then, children are quick and effective to learn more about the internet. For example, children can make tutorial between users and computer, while the computer teach what to do with tutorial itself. Otherwise, some of the using internet is also dangers with many inappropriate sites for young children. In the internet, are also dangers for their young children because it is many unfortunately and worryingly can display with searching in the internet. Predators in disguise frequent sites looking for children to deceive. For example, many website in the internet can manipulate and distribute porno sites and uncertain sites to abuse their child. It all depends on their children owns. When a child enters a chat room, they expect to find someone that is their own age with their interest. They may even find someone that just seems like they truly are the â€Å"perfect† friend. In conclusion, exposure to the internet at an early age has its pros and cons. Children using the internet at an early stage are much smarter than their counterparts who do not have access to the internet. There is also much valuable information that children can get on the internet at an early age. For recommendation, children should be allowed and exposure to use the internet at an early age only in the presence of their parents or some other adults in their family.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Albert Einstein: One Genius Mind

Finding a way to describe one of the most celebrated scientists ever born by means of stating facts about his life and achievements which most people hardly ever know at this point in time is utterly hard.   Albert Einstein’s father, an engineer by profession was for the most part of his career hugely unsuccessful.The older Einstein spent most of his time shifting jobs (Pellegrini 1).   Albert never enjoyed his education in Germany.He was seriously depressed when he had to leave for Italy.   He left school on the excuse of a nervous breakdown.   For a year, he had been paying visits to different art centers in Italy until such time when although reluctant, he finally resumed his studies.   It was in Zurich’s Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) technical university where Einstein earned his degree (Pellegrini 1).He received poor grades since he hardly attended class lectures.   His poor credentials made it hard for him to secure a job.   Finally, a f riend helped him secure a patent office job in Berne (Pellegrini 1; seemed that the patent job suits him perfectly.   It allowed him to work during the day and devote the rest of his time exploring higher learning in physics (White 96).   Also, he was able to utilize the library to do his research work.   He even earned for himself a doctorate degree in the processEven though it was not entirely all plain sailing from then on, several years later, he assumed a role in the academic system, and worked in Berlin to complete his General Theory of Relativity in the face of the severe destruction in society brought about by the First World War (Pellegrini 1).A serious breakdown left the man with distinct strands of white hair which ultimately served as his trademark.   It was around that time when his married life took a turn for the worst.   Nonetheless, he was still able to make significant contributions to scientific advancement.He was primarily, the e ngineer of breakthrough concepts about the physical universe.   Beyond doubt, he has made significant contributions to humanity’s intellectual advancement during his time.   Einstein challenged the then existing beliefs about the state as well as that of science.   He engaged in a constant battle for individual freedom and dignity.   He also opposed hostilities and persecution.His theories about the state and science, or at least the ones credited to him, echoes up to this point in time in realms stretching as far as his own direct scientific contributions in examining the influences that science and technology has on ethics, the study of modern art, linguistics, and psychology (Trefil and Hazen; White 96-105).It is paradoxical that several years following his death, several branches of physical science have already acknowledged his generative impact as otherwise would gave been done in the last years of his life.   Einstein’s contributions proved to be cruci al for drafting conceptual routes for current studies in the fields of cosmology or astronomy, for connecting gravitation with the quantum field theory of gauge fields, and also in explaining new findings which were not possible during his time, but were nonetheless already forecasted by him.Albert Einstein has the mind of a genius.   The way he changed the way man perceived the universe into which he or she was born was beyond comparison.   He was able to look past nature’s drape than anyone else since Newton, and from that point onwards, he lived the rest of his life pulling the drape down for his humility (Pellegrini 1).   To this day, when the word genius is being uttered, no one else’s face come to mind than his.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Can Building Surveyors Efficiently Differentiate Asr and Attack

Contents 1. Introduction2 2. Concrete attacks2 3. Alkali-Silica Reaction – ASR3 4. Sulphate Attack5 5. Reference List8 1. Introduction This report was issued in order to provide an in depth understanding of how a surveyor can differentiate between Alkali-Silica Reaction and Sulphate attacks in concrete when inspecting a building. In order to satisfy the requirements for this report, the author will give a detailed description of both kind of attacks, different study areas, experiments, diagnosis and forms of repair.To be able to define and analyse this topic, the author of this report has used different sources of reference such as books, academic journals, World Wide Web and several British Standards. By the end of this report, the writer will be able to demonstrate that the questioned concrete attacks can be differentiated by any professional surveyor when inspecting the concrete in a building. 2. Concrete attacks Chemical attacks usually occurs when using poor quality cemen t although good concrete has been known to be subjected to conditions that can lead to its deterioration.The environment â€Å"supplies† several physical and chemical forces which can contribute to concrete deterioration. BRE (2005) delivered a full list of chemical attacks that can arise both land contaminated by human and natural ground. There are several rarely occurred chemical attacks that are mainly caused by contaminated land; these are chemical species such as ammonium or chromium, but also organic such as phenols. The higher the quantity of these chemicals is, the higher the concrete attack.The most known forms of concrete attacks are: * Chloride penetration leading to corrosion of steel and spilling of the concrete cover; * Inadequate cover of reinforcing steel. Less common causes of concrete deterioration caused by chemicals or chemical reaction are: * Cycles of freezing and thawing; * Carbonation resulting in an increase of steel corrosion; * Sulphate attack; * Sh rinking aggregates; * Alkali-aggregate reactions. . Alkali-Silica Reaction – ASR It is believed that there are three types of alkali-aggregate reactions that will affect the condition of concrete: alkali-silicate reaction, alkali-carbonate reaction and alkali-silica reaction. It is believed that the alkali-silica reaction â€Å"may be found in the concrete because microcrystalline quartz or stained quartz is often present in aggregates contacting phyllosilicates† (Hobbs D. W. , 1988).The Institution of Structural Engineers (1988) described Alkali-Silica Reaction as being a chemical process in which the alkalis, found mostly in cement, when combined with specific types of silica found in aggregates, particularly in moist condition, will produce an alkali-silica gel that eventually will absorb the moisture from concrete, causing cracking and disruptions of concrete. British Cement Association (1993) advised that in order to determine that the inspected concrete cracking is a result of Alkali-Silica Reaction, the surveyor should sample and test the area â€Å"before any definite interpretation can be attempted†.Because of poor workmanship, shrinkage, weathering or differential stresses, the concrete can produce characteristics that will often be confused with Alkali-Silica Reaction. BCA (1993) are aware that â€Å"it is not always easy to distinguish these features from those indicative of ASR†. Their recommendation is that if suspected the sample should be taken into laboratory and further investigated. Because of the damping characteristics, the surveyor should allow dry weather when inspecting a suspected Alkali-Silica Reaction area.The degree of wetting should be recorded by the surveyor as this might be due to rain, condensation, leaking pipes, water run-off or poor detailing of construction. A second inspection is recommended if damp patches at the junction of the cracks are observed. It is known that Alkali-Silica Reaction will form a mapping crack at the surface of the concrete. Fig 1 is and extreme example of macrocracking found at the Hoover Dam, USA. Fig1. Example of cracking due to ASR at the Hoover Dam, USA Image taken from Hobbs, D. W. (1988, pp. 16)As it can be seen from the image, there are specific signs that this is an Alkali-Silica Reaction such as damp patches at the junction of the cracks and the edges of the cracks often appearing to be light in colour. Cracking like this will often be confused by surveyors as being caused by an expansion or contraction. As it was said before, one major feature of Alkali-Silica Reaction in concrete is cracking. In order to record data for further investigations, the surveyor should sketch or photograph the crack pattern. One other characteristic of Alkali-Silica Reaction is discoloration.This occurs along the cracks and although similar to rust caused by reinforce bars within the concrete, the surveyor is advised that colour photographs are to be taken for a n off-site second investigation. If occurred in reinforced concrete, the cracks caused by Alkali-Silica Reaction will tend to follow the lines of the reinforcing bars. Although often confused with the cracks produced by the corrosion of the reinforcements, in order to provide a definite confirmation of ASR, the surveyor should enforce a microscopic examination of a sample taken from the interior of the concrete.It is often that the surveyors confuse the cracking pattern of the affected cement. Other characteristics of Alkali-Silica Reaction are discoloration, efflorescence, exudations and pop-outs. 4. Sulphate Attack â€Å"Sulphate attack is the term used to describe a series of chemical reactions between sulphate ions and the components of hardened concrete, principally the cement paste, caused by exposure of concrete to sulphate moisture† ( Skalny et al. 2002, p. 3) It is well known that sulphate attack mainly affects the brickwork and concrete by creating a disruption of t he mortar. The sulphate attack can create expansion, bowing and/or cracking of affected material. The chemical and mineralogical compositions of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) are the most vulnerable to sulphate environments (Bonshor 1996, Amin et al. 2007). OPC is one of the most common cement used in construction industry. Its main composition is ground limestone and clay.When burned, these components form the basis of most concretes. According to Ramson (1993, p. 19) if bauxite is used instead of clay, a high-alumina cement is produced. The main characteristic of this cement is its rapid rate of strengths developed and also if not ‘covered’ the high resistance to sulphate attacks. This can be one of the first evidence for surveyors that the concrete is not affected by sulphate attack. The main idea of sulphate attacks is simple.Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) describes that the sulphate salts migrating from neighbouring building materials, or sometimes even enclosed in th e groundwater react with elements of the OPC to produce ettringite or thaumasite. The most common circumstance of sulphate attack is when the unprotected concrete contains sulphate based materials or is exposed to sulphate groundwater. There are three main requirements necessary for sulphate attack to occur: (i) soluble sulphate salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.It is important to specify that attacks from different sulphates will have different result. Mortars or concretes attacked by sulphates such as calcium or sodium will have a soft mush; on the other side when attacks form magnesium sulphate occurs, this being considered the most aggressive, the main feature of this attack are the salts that sometimes crystallize out or near the surface of the attacked material; (ii) tricalcium aluminate consisted in ordinary or rapid hardening cement; (iii) a persistent wetness on the material.To understand the main manifestations of sulphate attacks in building component s, the author will describe the visual characteristics that a surveyor will look for, in order to distinguish and recognise when sulphate attack has occurred. * The mortar in the brickwork is considered by Addleson and Rice (1995) to be under sulphate attack from as early as two years after construction. One of the main visual appearances of the attack is the white colour of the cement. The mortar subjected to sulphate attack will become loose at the surface, sometimes presenting cracks along the bed joists.It is important to mention that surveyors often confuse the horizontal cracking from rendered walls caused by corrosion of strip ties in cavity walls with the sulphate attack. Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) recommend that if not confident with the diagnosis from visual inspection, the surveyor should sample the affected mortar and further examine in a specialist laboratory. University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol (2006) advice that sulphate attacks occurs where saturation is greatest and usually around parapet walls and chimney.This is due to the large exposer to rainfall. UWE believe that although in some cases repairs are possible, in most instances once started, the sulphate attack is impossible to stop therefore the only option is the re-building. * When the sulphate attack is detected in rendered brickwork there are several visual signs for a surveyor to distinguish the type of attack. Wide horizontal and vertical cracks will appear in the rendering. Outward curling of the rendering in the cracks might appear as a result of sulphate attack. Fig2. Example of Sulphate Attack on chimney brickworkImage taken from University of the West of England, Bristol, (2006) The adhesion of the rendering on the brickwork may fail; this can result in rendering falling off either from one brick or even a large portion this depending on the seriousness of the attack on brickwork. If untreated, the brickwork may be exposed to efflorescence. * There are several occasi ons when the sulphate attack occurs on the underside of the ground slabs. If not isolated by a damp proof membrane, the salts in the ground will react with the Portland cement causing a map-pattern of cracking.Bonshor and Bonshor (1996) recommend that BRE Digest 363 will provide guidance in the case of a sulphate attack on concrete. Generally sulphate attack in ground-bearing slabs will form cracks in a solid ground floor mainly if the recycled colliery shale has been used as capping layer for the ground underneath the slab. Because the sulphate attack in ground bearing slabs, the surveyor will have to investigate further whether the slab has a damp proof membrane and if possible what sort of material has been used as colliery shale fill.WRAP Organisation (2011) recommends colliery shale should be tested for sulphates especially if it is to be used in proximity to concrete. As building professional, a surveyor will be able to differentiate between Alkali-Silica Reaction and Sulphate attacks in concrete. There are several visual differences between these two chemical attacks. One of the major confusion made by surveyors is when inspecting a cracking pattern in a building. It is highly recommended that if suspected, the surveyor should take samples for laboratory examination. There are numerous chemical reactions that are likely to produce disruptive cracking in buildings.This is the reason why a professional surveyor should not rush and give diagnosis unless entirely sure about the cause. Word count: 1759 5. Reference List Addleson, L. and Rice, C. (1995) Performance of materials in buildings. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Alan Wood & Partners (2012) Sulphate attack . Available at: http://www. alanwood. co. uk/pdf/Sulphate-Attack. pdf (Accessed on 5th October 2012). Amin, M. M. , Jamaludin, S. B. , Pa, F. C. & Chuen, K. K. (2008) ‘Effects of magnesium sulphate attack on Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) mortars’, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, (26) , pp. 235-242. Bonshor, R. B. and Bonshor, L.L. (1996) Cracking in buildings. London: Construction Research Communication. British Cement Association (1993) The diagnosis of alkali-silica reaction. Available at: http://homepage. tudelft. nl/n89v3/LinkedDocuments/1992-DiagnosisOfASR. pdf (Accessed on 5th October 2012). Cook, G. K. and Hinks, A. J. (1992) Appraising building defects: perspectives on stability and hygrothermal performance. Essex: Longman Scientific & Technical. El-hachem, R. , Roziere, E. , Grondin, F. & Loukili, A. (2012) ‘New procedure to investigate external sulphate attack on cementitious materials’, Cement & Concrete Composites, (34), pp. 57-364. Farny, J. A. & Kosmatka, S. H. (1997) Diagnosis and control of Alkali-aggregate reactions in concrete. Available at: http://www. nebrconcagg. com/assets/PromotionPages/Mix%20Design/ASR1. PDF (Accessed on 6th October 2012). Giaccio, G. , Zerbino, R. , Ponce, J. M. & Batic, O. R. (2008) ‘Mechanical behavi our of concretes damaged by alkali-silica reaction’, Cement and Concrete Research, (38), pp. 993-1004. Hobbs, D. W. (1988) Alkali-silica reaction in concrete. London: Thomas Telford. Mittermayr, F. , Bauer, C. , Klammer, D. , Bottcher, M. E. , Leis, A. Escher, P. & Deitzel, M. (2012) ‘Concrete under sulphate attack: an isotope study on sulphur sources’, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 48 (1), pp. 105-117. Ransom, W. H. , (1993) Building failures: diagnosis and avoidance. 2nd edn. London: E & FN Spon. Sachlova, S. , Prikryl, R. & Pertold, Z. (2010) ‘Alkali-silica reaction products: Comparison between samples from concrete structures and laboratory test specimens’, Materials Characterization, (61), pp. 1379-1393. Sarkan, S. , Mahadevan, S. , Meeussen, J. C. L. , van der Sloot, H. & Kosson, D. S. 2010) ‘Numerical simulation of cementitious materials degradation under external sulphate attack’, Cement & Concrete Composites, (32 ), pp. 241-252. Skalny, J. , Marchand, J. & Odler, I. (2002) Sulphate attack on concrete. London: Spon Press. The Concrete Society (1985) Alkali-silica reaction: new structures-specifying the answer existing structures-diagnosis and assessment. London: Concrete Society. The Institution of Structural Engineers (1988) Structural effects of alkali-silica reaction: interim technical guidance on appraisal of existing structures. London: the Institution of Structural Engineers.University of the West of England, Bristol, (2006) Durability of clay bricks. Available at: https://environment7. uwe. ac. uk/resources/constructionsample/Conweb/walls/bricks/section6. htm (Accessed on 20th October 2012). WRAP, (2011) Burnt and unburnt colliery spoil, Available at: http://aggregain. wrap. org. uk/applications/wrap_pdf/aggregain/pdf_material. cfm? id=2910 (Accessed on 22th October 2012). Zerbino, R. , Giaccio, G. , Batic, O. R. & Isaia, G. C. (2012) ‘Alkali-silica reaction in mortars and concre tes incorporating natural rice husk ash’, Construction and Building Materials, (36), pp. 796-806.